
We have various projects in need of support! You can buy solar audio Bibles for the following projects:
Mozambique2000, Himba1000, Zimbabwe1000 and IBD Training

A Bible is about R530 or US$30 each, but it depends on quantity, shipment to the final destination and taxes. It also depends on the type of player appropriate and the specific audio loaded and royalties.

Any number of Bibles are welcome! Even the smallest amount makes a difference for God’s Kingdom.

You can count the seeds in an appel, but you can’t count the appels in a seed……don’t stop sowing. Great thanks to Andries form Namau Mission Northern Mozambique – Alta

Praise the Lord! Today, 19 June 2020, we received payment for 200 Bibles for Mozambique two hours after our zoom meeting! This is 10% of our goal of 2000 Bibles

There are 3 options to do payments:

  1. From South African banks
    Banking details:
    Account Name:    MegaVoice International Africa NPC
    (Registration number: 2020 / 232496 / 08)

Bank:                        ABSA
Branch:                   Worcester
Account:                40-9894-9446
Branch Code:      632005
Reference: Project name and your name
(Current project names: Moz2000, Him1000, Zim1000 and IBD)

2. Secure payment via PayFast


3. Payments via GivenGain
You can pay via the GivenGain platform – click here (Master and Visa cards)

4. For international transfers
Bank details:

Account Name:    MegaVoice International Africa NPC
Bank ABSA Bank Ltd
Account:                40-9894-9446
Branch Johannesburg International Banking

STATUS of the projects:

Read more about what the Bible teach about joyful giving:

Click on the image to download the book in pdf format

The following books are available from Judea Harvest. Click on the image to visit their online book store.
