Wildlife StoryTellers Comfort Orphans in Southern Africa

Give them something to hug and love that speaks to them in their own heart language from God’s Word. Give them a Wildlife STORY TELLER animal with audio Bible inside.   Many children are left with out parents as a result of HIV / Aids and other reasons.  Many suffer abuse of various natures. These children need love and the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Girl with Elphant with two boys watching her - Wildlife StoryTeller 448x299

Providing comfort and God’s message of hope to children in an orphanage in Bloemfontein South Africa. See the joy on the faces! The children were very happy to receive the donation from a couple from the USA.

Wildlife STORY TELLERS — different soft, furry critters — share audio Bible stories with children and adults around the world in their own native tongue. The stuffed tigers, elephants, bears and others can be loaded with recordings in over 5,000 languages and dialects. When you place these animals in the hands of children and adults, it is a tactile reminder of God’s love.

More information on the Wildlife Story Tellers here.

Wildlife StoryTellers www.wildlifestorytellers.com a joint project of Global Recordings Network and MegaVoice 20131119

Wildlife StoryTellers www.wildlifestorytellers.com a joint project of Global Recordings Network and MegaVoice 20131119

MegaVoice op Radio Rosestad

Radio Onderhoud met Johan Grobler deur  Jeannette Geldenhuys
15 Mei 2015

Radio Rosestad het op Vrydag  ‘n kort telefoniese onderhoud met Johan Grobler oor die MegaVoice Media Sentrum vir Suider Afrika uitgesaai.  MegaVoice se Bybels in klank is ideaal geskik vir die wat nie kan lees nie.
20150515_152640  Johan talking to Radio Rosestad  420x336

Johan het genoem van die volledige Afrikaanse, Sesotho en Engelse Bybels.     Jeanette het die luisteraars herinner dat dit ideaal is vir plaaswerkers.

Om na die boodskap te luister klik  hier of klik regs en stoor om later te luister (1.3MB en so 4 minute  35 sekondes.

Rosestad Luister Hier

Jeannette Geldenhuys
Jeanette Geldenhuys – Radio Rosestad

Die onderhoud is gelei deur Jeanette Geldenhuys.  Meer oor haar op Radio Rosestad se webwerf. Klik hier.

Rosestad 100-6 FM
Radio Rosestad 100.6 FM


MegaVoice leads the industry with Intuitive Keypads

MegaVoice leads with a range of solar powered audio Bibles with Intuitive Keypads

In selecting an audio player the key layout is important. It is even more important if the users are not literate or visually impaired. The MegaVoice Envoy S launched early 2014 also introduced a very innovative concept in its keypad.   This is not the first MegaVoice player with raised-buttons, the old Ambassador also had raised-buttons.   As early as September 2012 MegaVoice introduced the innovative layout with the Envoy Micro.

Envoy S Dual - landscape 563x800 W

MegaVoice Envoy S Dual

The keys are raised to assist the blind.  Only about 12% of the blind can read Braille but the raised keys are very easy to feel and locate.

The layout of the keys are intuitive which means it is where you would expect them to be!

Envoy S Dual Keypad - Annotated  800x483 W

The functions allocated to the keys on the Envoy S Dual

MegaVoice introduced its smallest digital audio player, the Herald. The Herald is lightweight and cost effective – ideal for teaching and training. Its intuitive, raised-button keypad makes navigating hundreds of hours of audio and Scripture content quick and easy – even for the elderly or blind.

MegaVoice Herald

The Herald

A solar powered audio player is much more than an ordinary commercially available mp3 player. For more information on these products please visit www.megavoice.com


1. “The new intuitive keypad for the visually impaired is a big hit!” – Our very own Darrel Templeton, at the NFB conference, Twitter, 11:26 PM – 3 Jul 2013, @MegaVoiceTweets, https://twitter.com/megavoicetweets/status/352538802167889920

2.  Audio Bibles for the Blind,  http://audiobiblesfortheblind.org/herald-mp3-player/ 

3. MegaVoice Releases Solar-Powered Envoy Micro Digital Audio Player with microSD Card, Sep 19 2012,  http://www.christiannewswire.com/news/3747920679.html


Radio Program – “So Stuur Ek Julle” – Radio Kansel – Murray Louw

Die weeklikse radio program “So Stuur Ek Julle” op Radiokansel gee terugvoer en inligting rondom sending en evangelisasie.   Die Here Jesus het vir sy dissipels die opdrag gegee om te gaan en dissipels te maak. Matt 28:19 – 20

19 Gaan dan na al die nasies toe en maak die mense my dissipels: doop hulle in die Naam van die Vader en die Seun en die Heilige Gees, en
20 leer hulle om alles te onderhou wat Ek julle beveel het. En onthou: Ek is by julle al die dae tot die voleinding van die wêreld.” 

Murray Louw inspireer en lig die luisteraars weekliks in oor die uitbreiding van die Koningkryk wereldwyd.  Hy voer gereeld kort onderhoude met sendelinge.

MurrayLouw - SAAWE - Radiokansel

Murray Louw aanbieder van “So Stuur Ek Julle”

Dit was my voorreg om onlangs meer oor MegaVoice te vertel.  Hier is ‘n kort uittreksel van die program met ‘n getuienis van ‘n man wat tot bekeering gekom het en as leek begin het om te evangeliseer. ‘n MegaVoice Bybel het hom gehelp om dit op ‘n meer Bybelse manier  te kan doen.

Om na die boodskap te luister klik hier of klik regs en stoor om later te luister (1.7MB en so 6 minute)


Die program skedule is tans (8 November 2015)  Sondag 12h30 en herhalings op  Dinsdae om 01h30 en Saterdae 16h00.  Die program duur ongeveer 30 minute.      Luister op die Internet of MW 657kHz.luisternou


Missions Fest Pretoria 2014 – Seminar – Reaching the unreached who cannot read with Bible audio and Bible stories

MissionsFest 2014 Advert - top 400wxs


There are many people in the world who cannot read. Just in Africa there are about 790 languages without the Bible. Among the unreached peoples the levels of literacy is even higher.  In this seminar we will define the problem of literacy and oral cultures.  Solutions will be explored and testimonies from the field will be shared. Africa is the continent with the lowest literacy levels. References and resources will be listed for those who want to explore further. Download the presentation in pdf  One slide per page  or Two slides per page.

Presented at Missions Fest 2014 on Saturday 6 September 2014 at 12h00 at Hatfield North.


Terugvoer sessie – Mwani en Ibo eiland – Theo Schumann

Terugvoer1Ons nooi u uit om meer te kom hoor van Theo en Mignonne Schumann wat  sedert 2009  op Ibo eiland in Noord Mosambiek woon. Hulle werk onder die Mwani volk wat sowat 110,000 tel. Die volk is geheel ‘Onbereik’.  Hoewel hulle in vrede tussen die  moslems mag woon is dit duidelik dat hul werk ook ‘n  langsame proses is. Vriendskap Evangelisasie neem  tyd, toewyding en volharding. Hulle beleef dat  daar vordering is, maar dan ervaar hulle ook die teenkanting van die Moslem Leierskap van die Eiland. Die erfenis van die Eiland is gegrond in die slawehandel wat oor honderdejare gestrek het. Armoede op die Eiland is  baie ernstig en daar is min of geen werksgeleenthede vir  die plaaslike mense nie.

Kom hoor hoe hulle ‘n groot invloed in die gemeenskap het.  Hulle gebruik ook die MegaVoice Envoy  in hulle bedienning.

Kom drink ‘n koppie koffie of tee saam na die aanbieding.

PLEK:  Constantia Park Baptist Church, 645 Rudolf street, Constantia Park, Pretoria
GPS  -25.813511,   28.278075

Datum en Tyd:  Dinsdag 10 Junie 2014, 19h00 – 20h45

RSVP:  Johan Grobler,  082 653 4783,   Stuur epos  Plek is beperk.  Daar is nog plek. Laat weet asseblief sodat ons genoeg koffie en tee kan reg sit!    Laat weet asseblief voor Maandag 9 June 15h00

Welcome to MegaVoice Media Center for Southern Africa

 MegaVoice Media Center for Southern Africa


Pastor Khumalo and his wife

Chaplin in North Africa with the Word of God in his own language



How are MegaVoice solar powered audio Bibles being used in Africa?  

 Missions Fest Pretoria 2014

The following link to our general brochure: The following links are to our newsletters

Contact Information:

645 Rudolf Street
Constantia Park

Tel: +27 12 993 0614
Fax: +27 86 270 9258
Mobile: +27 82 653 4783


Twitter: @MegaVoiceZA  Follow us on Twitter  
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MegaVoiceSA
Google+:  Google+
Web: www.megavoice.co.za   / www.megavoice.com

General Video

We have a general video on MegaVoice at the following links: (they are the same)

Watch on GodTube

Watch on Vimeo

Watch on YouTube 

Please continue to remember MegaVoice in your prayers.

The site is being hosted by C.a.T.S.

 Modified 2014-03-12
